Saturday 12 January 2013


Wow.. think what life would be like if our days weren't broken up into day and night, today and tomorrow...

Imagine if we didn't need sleep...

There would be no feeling of "todays the day" that you get when you have an exciting day ahead...

If you had a bad day, there would be no feeling of refreshment, of renewal, or change...

If you have an argument with someone, there's no sense of time lapse, and less inscentive to move on...

If you are feeling unwell, or have a big night out, there's no sleeping it away and waking up feeling like you again...

Sleeping is like deep meditation, but the kind everyone can do... 

It restores your sense of being, renews you both physically and spiritually, and divides the seemingly endless stream of existence into exciting new days!

Sleep has to be my favourite thing so far of all that we have appreciated...

What a gift!

SO, next time you're frustrated that you feel tired and you're not invincible.. or are frustrated that you're wasting your time sleeping... Just stop. Think. Relax. Close your eyes. Smile, and let the bliss of timeless peace envelop your consciousness 

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow 

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