Wednesday 13 February 2013


What a soul-pleasing gift movement is...

For starters there are plenty types of movement, or genres shall we say...:

- there's finding the comfy position in bed

- running to an event

- taking a gentle stroll

- doing practical things (eg. Making dinner, washing)

- satisfying ones carnal needs

- dancing (yum, ill get back to her)

- expressing emotions

- conveying affection

- lastly, stillness, for if it wasn't for motion, the blissful state of stillness wouldn't exist.

Golly, movement really does a heck of a lot for us.

Movement is intrinsic and implicit with our emotions. Don't believe me? Okay try this....

Say, "you filthy disgusting waste of a human".
Now say it scowling through your teeth in a malicious, dark and angry tone.
Now.... This is the tricky bit... Try and make your face peaceful and happy with love in your eyes..... And say it with the same tone. YOU CANT! (Anyone that can, I recommend making a YouTube vid, you'll be rich&famous in no time).

And for those of you who can't (everyone) then we revert back to my point; intrinsic, implicit.

Our motions are emotions dancing with our features, oozing from our pores subconsciously, contorting us into living representations of ourselves.

Without that, we'd either move like mere robots, or our bodies would become prisons to our psyche. Not cool.

And Dance, wawie. Maybe it's just me but I LOVE to dance. There is a beautiful expression...

"Dance enables you to find yourself and lose yourself at the same time"

Isn't this funny? How by moving in a certain way, we can create something within, or externally, that is more than the sum of its parts..

And do you know something cool....
(I'm sure you do, so here's another cool thing to add to the list...)

The word "DANCE" is defined countless times on the Internet and so on. Yet with each definition it is either indecipherably complex and yet still not all encompassing, or too vague or too exclusive. It's impossible to give a fully comprehensive definition of dance!

I implore you to try!

And the beauty of that proves this magical point:

Language is a miracle; one of the most boundless and influential abilities of humans, however...

There are some things beyond words..

Some things more true, raw and innately understood. Things that are more essential to our core. And one of those things is
*Dance*.. (As well as many forms of movement in general)!

Sooo, next time someone asks you for a drink and you're feeling lazy, just remember that the fact you have legs to be able to move is a great gift and a privilege that some don't even have, so realise how lucky you are, and start moving in the right direction!

Thanks for reading, see you soon <3 (notice I didn't say tomorrow :p)

Wednesday 6 February 2013


Sorry, I've been a little uninspired recently, which sucks, but if it wasn't for times of low inspiration, times of plentiful inspiration would cease to exist even in a theoretical capacity, so it's really a gift :)

But then what isn't...

Okay, so. Today's entry begins...

You are living for your memory.

If you don't understand, or even worse don't agree, then read on, and soon you'll be cured.

This moment you're experiencing right now, it no longer exists.

It is now a memory.

You only understand the message of what I'm saying because of your amazing memory. And you care to understand because of your hope for something good, that your memory convinces you will await you at the end of the page.

What's more is..

You've never experienced the past and future in any capacity. Bam.

The past is a memory of the so-far endless 'moments' of the present.

The future is your so-far fictional depiction of what is to come, based on your memory of the so-far endless moments of the present.

So what I'm getting at is this:

Life is a split second at a time, each irrelevant, unconnected and unfulfilling if it were not for the miraculous gift of memory stringing them all together!!

So, next time you're fed up that you can't remember something, instead save your passion and energy to appreciate that every second your alive is great because of what you DO remember!!


Memory is awesome, so just shut your eyes, think as you do so naturally, and remember with ease that you were alive a second ago, and bask in the beautiful blessing of being able to recall...